A month ago I used this space plug a jewelry show I had squeezed into my all consuming Rothschild rehearsal schedule and I am embarrassed to discover that it was also my last post about the show.
At this point the show has opened! And what a show it is. A sweeping, glorious magnificant epic tale of an extraordinary family. 10 weeks of rehearsal, 30 cast members, 29 crew, 1 sparkling, magnificant crystal chandelier, 1 intrepid costumer and 10 assistants and 90 costumes later the Rothschilds burst onto the stage at Riverwalk in a grand way.
Audiences and reviewers have been enthusiastic in their praise. Come see what the buzz is all about this upcoming weekend at Riverwalk Theatre
JUNE 11-14
7 pm Thursday, 8 pm Friday and Saturday, 2 pm Sunday
TICKETS AT 482-5700